The Importance of Haptic and Tactile Interfaces When Creating a Digital Product

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses User Experience Courses Product Design Courses Haptic Feedback Courses

Course Description


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Explore the significance of haptic and tactile interfaces in digital product development through this 41-minute Devoxx conference talk. Gain insights into various types of haptic feedback and their real-world applications. Learn a step-by-step approach to creating tactile interfaces, covering aspects such as UX design, technology integration, product design, and testing. Discover the challenges faced in implementing these interfaces and get a glimpse into the future of haptic technology. Benefit from Andreas Andreadis' expertise as he presents a comprehensive guide to enhance user experience through immersive and engaging tactile interactions in digital products.


Who is Andreas
What is haptic feedback
Types of haptic feedback
Examples of haptic feedback
Creating a tactile interface
UX and technology
Product design

Taught by


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