The Health of Nations - Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals
Offered By: Milken Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a panel discussion on global health challenges and their impact on economic development in emerging markets. Learn about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and their role in addressing issues such as food security, infectious diseases, and maternal health. Gain insights from experts in public health, government, and the private sector as they discuss best practices, financing strategies, and innovative solutions for meeting these ambitious targets. Discover the inextricable link between a country's health and its economic growth, and understand the risks associated with inaction. Examine topics including the Social Progress Index, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, vaccines, gender-based violence, and diseases of affluence. Understand how public-private collaborations can drive progress in lifting people out of poverty and promoting overall wellbeing.
Social Progress Index
Engaging the Private Sector
Shared Value
TB Vaccines
Patent Extension
Rich vs Developing Countries
GenderBased Violence
Diseases of affluence
Bold dreams
Taught by
Milken Institute
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