The FINOS Open Source Maturity Model and How to Apply It

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Open Source Courses Risk Management Courses Strategic Planning Courses Organizational Development Courses Maturity Models Courses FINOS Courses

Course Description


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Explore the FINOS Open Source Maturity Model and its application in financial services organizations through this informative 24-minute talk. Discover how open source has evolved from a collection of ad-hoc components to a strategic asset, driving significant benefits across strategic, financial, organizational, and technological dimensions. Learn to navigate the challenges of capturing these benefits while minimizing potential risks by understanding your organization's position on the open source maturity curve. Gain insights into the FINOS and Wipro-implemented maturity model, along with tools for self-assessment and creating plans to reach optimal maturity levels. Delve into the introduction of the maturity model, open source assessment surveys, and other resources designed to help every member create their own open source maturity map, enabling effective management and strategic utilization of open source in the financial services sector.


The FINOS Open Source Maturity Model and How to Apply It - Andrew Aitken, Wipro Ltd.

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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