The Faint Lyman-Alpha Cosmic Web in TNG50 - Chris Byrohl
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the faint Lyman-alpha cosmic web in TNG50 through this 33-minute conference talk by Chris Byrohl from the University of Heidelberg. Delivered at the "Co-evolution of the Cosmic Web and Galaxies across Cosmic Time" conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, this presentation delves into the intricate relationship between the cosmic web and galaxy formation. Gain insights into the latest findings from the TNG50 simulation, focusing on the faint Lyman-alpha emissions that trace the cosmic web structure. Understand how these observations contribute to our knowledge of galaxy evolution, large-scale structure formation, and the fundamental connections between galactic properties and cosmology. This talk is part of a broader conference exploring topics such as observational estimation of the cosmic web, early galaxy formation, and the implications for cosmology and dark energy.
The faint Lyman-alpha cosmic web in TNG50 ▸ Chris Byrohl (U Heidelberg)
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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