The Chiral Lagrangian - Lecture 6

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Effective Field Theory Courses Particle Physics Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Quantum Field Theory Courses Meson Courses TeV Scale Physics Courses Baryons Courses

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Explore the intricacies of The Chiral Lagrangian in this 1-hour 10-minute lecture delivered by Aneesh Manohar as part of the School for Advanced Topics in Particle Physics (SATPP) at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into this advanced topic in Effective Field Theories, designed for postdoctoral fellows and advanced PhD students in theoretical particle physics. Gain insights into systematic approaches for describing physics at different scales using relevant degrees of freedom. Enhance your understanding of how Effective Field Theories are applied to describe unknown phenomena at the TeV scale and above, as well as calculate observables involving mesons and baryons. Benefit from the expertise of leading researchers in the field and engage in an inclusive, non-discriminatory learning environment that welcomes diverse participants.


The Chiral Lagrangian - (Lecture 6) by Aneesh Manohar

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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