The Challenges of Introducing Virtual Threads to the Java Platform - Project Loom

Offered By: Java via YouTube


JVM Language Summit Courses Java Courses Project Loom Courses

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Explore the challenges and intricacies of introducing virtual threads to the Java platform in this 47-minute conference talk presented by Alan Bateman, Architect at Oracle's Java Platform Group, during the JVM Language Summit 2023 in Santa Clara, CA. Dive deep into Project Loom, examining key aspects such as JEP 444 for Virtual Threads, JEP 453 for Structured Concurrency, and JEP 446 for Scoped Values. Gain insights into the development process through the provided GitHub repository and mailing list. Discover additional resources on Project Panama and access related talks in the linked YouTube playlist. Enhance your understanding of this significant advancement in Java concurrency and its impact on the platform's future.


The Challenges of Introducing Virtual Threads to the Java Platform - Project Loom

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