The Challenges of Embedded Linux

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Yocto Project Courses Embedded Linux Courses Cross-Compilation Courses

Course Description


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Explore the unique challenges of running Linux as an embedded operating system in this 47-minute conference talk from NDC TechTown 2023. Delve into the key differences between Embedded Linux and "Normal" Linux, focusing on hardware constraints, real-time computing requirements, and robust update mechanisms. Learn about cross-compilation techniques using build tools like Yocto Project to overcome limited hardware resources. Discover how modern Linux handles soft and hard real-time computing for sensor-based applications. Gain insights into creating reliable update processes, error logging, and recovery methods for devices without on-site administrators. Broaden your understanding of the specialized world of Embedded Linux and its applications in the devices that surround us.


The Challenges of Embedded Linux - Chris Simmonds - NDC TechTown 2023

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NDC Conferences

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