The Challenges of Managing Kubernetes-Based Machine Learning Infrastructure

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses DevOps Courses Knative Courses MLOps Courses Argo Courses Kubeflow Courses Cloud Native Buildpacks Courses Envoy Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complexities of managing Kubernetes-based machine learning infrastructure in this insightful 42-minute panel discussion featuring experts from Bloomberg, Seldon, and Spotify. Delve into the dual challenges of handling common infrastructure tasks and ML-specific requirements. Learn how these industry leaders leverage Kubernetes and its robust open-source ecosystem to build cutting-edge machine learning infrastructures. Discover the applications of tools like Knative, Cloud Native Buildpacks, Argo, Envoy, Kubeflow, KServe, Seldon Core, and KubeRay. Gain valuable insights into diverse use cases, including perspectives from end-users and infrastructure providers, as well as on-premises and cloud-based solutions. Understand the current challenges faced by engineers in implementing and maintaining ML infrastructures across different organizational contexts.


The Challenges Managing a Kubernetes-Based Machine...- Yuzhui Liu & Keith Laban, Ed Shee, Keshi Dai

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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