The Case Against Net Neutrality

Offered By: Ben Eater via YouTube


Net Neutrality Courses Digital Rights Courses Content Delivery Network Courses

Course Description


Explore the nuanced debate surrounding net neutrality in this 47-minute video that challenges the prevailing consensus. Delve into the complexities of the issue, examining arguments both for and against net neutrality regulations. Gain a deeper understanding of the potential drawbacks and unintended consequences of net neutrality policies, while considering alternative perspectives on internet regulation. Analyze the economic, technological, and social implications of different approaches to managing internet traffic and content delivery. Engage with thought-provoking questions about the role of government, internet service providers, and content creators in shaping the future of the internet. Supplement your learning with recommended resources, including CGP Grey's introduction to net neutrality and additional content from the 3Blue1Brown channel.


The case against Net Neutrality?

Taught by

Ben Eater

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