The Best of Java Shorts Show - 100 Snippets in 50 Minutes

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Java Courses Shell Scripting Courses Emojis Courses

Course Description


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Explore over 100 popular Java snippets in this fast-paced 51-minute conference talk from Devoxx. Discover practical techniques for running Java as a shell script, executing Java applications without compilation, printing emojis, setting up HTTP development servers, utilizing libraries without compiling, creating colorful logs, accessing Large Language Models, implementing timer jobs, interacting with the clipboard, and implementing file watching. Learn about main methods in interfaces, efficient file parsing, and numerous other Java tricks. All demonstrations use only javac and Visual Studio Code, without relying on build tools, Maven, or external dependencies.


The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 50 Minutes by Adam Bien

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