The 1950's: A Golden Age of Harmonic Analysis - Connections with Calderón-Zygmund Theory - Part 1

Offered By: Banach Center via YouTube


Harmonic Analysis Courses Mathematics Courses Fourier Analysis Courses Functional Analysis Courses Calderón-Zygmund Theory Courses

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Explore the golden age of harmonic analysis in the 1950s and its connections to Calderón-Zygmund theory in this 1-hour 12-minute lecture by James Wright from the University of Edinburgh, UK. Delve into the first part of a comprehensive examination of this pivotal period in mathematical history, focusing on the groundbreaking developments and theoretical advancements that shaped the field. Gain insights into the fundamental concepts and key contributors that emerged during this era, and understand how these ideas continue to influence modern mathematical research and applications.


The 1950's: a golden age of harmonic analysis: connections with Calderón-Zygmund theory (part 1)

Taught by

Banach Center

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