Testing in Production at LinkedIn

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Software Testing Courses A/B Testing Courses Canary Releases Courses Resilience Engineering Courses Microservices Testing Courses

Course Description


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Discover comprehensive testing strategies employed at LinkedIn to confidently deploy features to 500 million members in this 51-minute Devoxx conference talk. Explore various testing methodologies including production testing, canary releases, feature flags, microservices testing, machine learning model evaluation, search and relevance algorithm testing, and resilience engineering. Gain insights into LinkedIn's engineering culture, staging environment practices, and A/B testing techniques. Learn how to design an effective testing strategy for your own products, enabling you to ship with confidence across multiple codebases. Understand key takeaways to enhance your testing practices and maintain high-quality software delivery in fast-paced development environments.


Move fast
Testing in Production
Our Eng Culture
Testing strategy
Staging environment
Canary releases @LI
Feature toggles
A/B testing @ul
Microservices testing
Search verticals testing
Resilience (chaos) engineering
Key takeaways

Taught by


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