Tensor Processing Units - TPUs

Offered By: Kaggle via YouTube


TensorFlow Courses Speech Recognition Courses AlphaGo Courses

Course Description


Explore the world of Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) through a comprehensive video series covering various aspects of this powerful technology. Dive into TPU notebook walkthroughs, learn how to get started with TPUs, understand the underlying concepts like systolic arrays and bfloat16, and discover their applications from AlphaGo to speech recognition. Gain insights into the development process of TPUs and learn troubleshooting and optimization techniques from Kaggle Grandmasters. Perfect for data science professionals looking to accelerate their deep learning projects and expand their knowledge of cutting-edge AI hardware.


TPU Notebook Walkthrough: Introduction to TFRecords | Kaggle.
Learn With Me: Getting Started with Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) | Kaggle.
TPUs, systolic arrays, and bfloat16: accelerate your deep learning | Kaggle.
TPUs: AlphaGo to Speech Recognition | Kaggle.
Getting Curious: What it takes to build a TPU | Kaggle.
Accelerator Power Hour for data science professionals with Kaggle Grandmasters (Cloud AI Huddle).
Learn With Me: Troubleshooting and Optimizing for Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) | Kaggle.

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