Pyodide - A Python Distribution for the Browser
Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube
Course Description
Serverless Python apps for the web?
What is WebAssembly?
The emscripten build toolchain
Pyodide Components
Upstream CPython WASM work
Related projects
Pure Python packages with micropip
Packages with binary extensions
Supported Python packages in Pyodide
Foreign function interface (JS # Python)
Example: Python utils from JavaScript
Example: random sample
Examples: fetch API from Python
Examples: Buffers
Emscripten Host Environment
Client-only Architecture
Client-only Web Apps in Python
A growing ecosystem
Notebook environments
Pyodide in Education
Deploying machine learning models Classical workflow
Deploying scikit-learn models in Pyodide Use pickle?
Classifier decision boundary example
Packaging Scipy and Fortran
Function Pointer Cast Handling
Getting http.client to work (WIP)
Asyncio in the browser
Download sizes for packages
Make Python package sizes web friendly
Taught by
PyCon US
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