Bringing Your Python Script to More Users

Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube


EuroPython Courses Flask Courses Command Line Interface Courses

Course Description


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Discover how to make your Python scripts accessible to a wider audience in this 30-minute EuroPython 2020 conference talk. Learn to transform a simple image resizing script into a user-friendly tool through Command Line Interface (CLI), Graphical User Interface (GUI), and web application implementations. Explore the use of argparse for CLI development, eel for creating desktop GUIs, and Flask for building web applications. Gain insights on distributing your Python projects and deploying web apps on platforms like Heroku, enabling others to benefit from your automation solutions without the need for installation or coding knowledge.


Takuya Futatsugi - Bringing your Python script to more users!

Taught by

EuroPython Conference

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