Symfony Tutorial - Test Driven Development Full Course - Learn TDD Using PHPUnit
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Introduction / course overview.
RapidAPI introduction.
Create a new Symfony project.
Create an SQLite in-memory test database.
Write the first unit test.
Part 2.
Write a feature test.
Create a console command.
Create custom client class for requesting an API.
Part 3.
Create an integration test.
Injecting the Symfony HttpClient component.
Ping the API .
Part 4.
Add the Symfony Serializer component.
Serializer component - deserialize into an entity.
Refactoring for loosely coupled code.
Create a test fake to mimic requesting the API during tests.
Segmenting tests into groups.
Part 5.
Test handling non 200 status code responses from the API.
Create development database using Symfony / Docker integration.
Part 6.
Serializer component - Update an existing entity.
Handling unexpected errors from an API.
Taught by
Gary Clarke
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