Supporting Indigenous Digital Sovereignty

Offered By: Collision Conference via YouTube


Collision Conference Courses Privacy Courses Indigenous Rights Courses Community Empowerment Courses Digital Sovereignty Courses

Course Description


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Explore the critical issue of protecting Indigenous digital sovereignty in this 27-minute conference talk from Collision Conference. Delve into the challenges and opportunities of upholding the right to privacy and self-determination online for Indigenous communities. Learn from former MKO grand chief Sheila North, Animikii founder and CEO Jeff Ward, Canadian Medical Association's Alika Lafontaine, CTV National News' Donna Sound, and representatives from Bunibonibee Cree Nation as they discuss strategies for empowering marginalized communities in the digital realm. Gain insights into the importance of preserving cultural identity and autonomy in the face of technological advancements.


Supporting Indigenous digital sovereignty

Taught by

Collision Conference

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