Structural Dynamics
Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube
Course Description
PRE-REQUISITES: Basic understanding of structural analysis and knowledge of engineering mathematics.
COURSE OUTLINE: The objective of the course is to understand the behavior of structures especially building to various dynamic loads: such as wind, earthquake, machine vibration and ambient vibration.
W01M01 Introduction of Structural Dynamics.
W01M02 Static and Dynamic load Types of Analysis.
W01M03 Degrees of Freedom.
W01M04 Vibrations of SDOF Systems.
W01M05 Dynamic Equilibrium Equation and its Solution.
W01M06 Undamped free Vibration.
What is MATLAB [Structural Dynamics].
Getting Started with MATLAB Online [Structural Dynamics].
MATLAB Variables [Structural Dynamics].
MATLAB as a Calculator Structural Dynamics.
MATLAB Functions [Structural Dynamics].
Creating Vectors [Structural Dynamics].
Creating Uniformly Spaced Vectors LINSPACE [Structural Dynamics].
Accessing Elements of a Vector [Structural Dynamics].
Calculations with Vectors [Structural Dynamics].
Creating Matrices [Structural Dynamics].
Matrix Creation Functions [Structural Dynamics].
Accessing Elements of a Matrix [Structural Dynamics].
Matrix Multiplication [Structural Dynamics].
If Else Statement [Structural Dynamics].
Logical Operators [Structural Dynamics].
FOR Loop [Structural Dynamics].
Writing a While Loop [Structural Dynamics].
Line Plots [Structural Dynamics].
Annotating Graphs [Structural Dynamics].
Exploring Figures in MATLAB Online [Structural Dynamics].
W02M01 Damped free vibration.
W02M02 Types of Damping.
W02M03 Logarithmic decrement equation.
W02M04 Dynamic equilibrium equation by energy method.
W03M01 UnDamped Forced Vibrations.
W03M02 Forced Damped Vibration.
W03M03 Relationship Between Rd, Rv, Ra.
W03M04 Resonant Frequency & Half Power Band Width.
W03M05 Transmissibility.
W04M01 Response to Arbitrary Force.
W04M02 Special Cases in Arbitrary Force.
W4M03 Fourier Transformation.
W05M01 Numerical Methods.
W05M02 Methods Based on Interpolation of Excitation.
W05M03 Central Difference Method.
W05M04 Numerical Methods based on Variation of Acceleration Newmark's Method.
W05T01 Central Difference Method.
W06M01 Response Spectrum.
W06M02 Special Cases of Response Spectrum.
W06M03 Development of Tripartite Plot.
W07M01 Multi Degree of Freedom Systems.
W07M02 Multi Degree of Freedom System Solution of Equilibrium Equation.
W07M03 Multi Degree of Freedom System Modal Orthogonality.
W07M04 Approximate Methods For Finding Natural Frequency.
W07T01 Generation of Mass Matrix.
W07T02 Eigen Vectors and Modal Orthagonality.
W08M01 Time History Analysis.
W08M02 Response Spectrum Analysis.
W09M01 Three Dimensional Dynamic Analysis.
W09M02 Generation of Elastic Design Response Spectra.
W09T01 Centre of Mass & Centre of Stiffness.
W10M01 Vibration of Continuous Systems.
W10M02 Example Problem on Continuous system.
W10M03 Theory of Seismometer.
W11M01 Dynamics of Non Structural Elements.
W11M02 Non Structural Elements Example.
W11T01 Non Structural Elements.
W12M01 Classical and Non Classical Damping.
W12M02 Vibration Control.
W12M03 Base Isolation.
W12M04 Tuned Mass Damper.
Taught by
Structural Dynamics
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