Chat with Felienne Hermans about - The Programmer's Brain

Offered By: Strange Loop Conference via YouTube


Strange Loop Conference Courses

Course Description


Explore a fascinating conversation between Alex Miller and former Strange Loop speaker Felienne Hermans about her book "The Programmer's Brain." Delve into topics such as how memory affects code reading, the impact of mental models on understanding, and techniques for intentionally practicing code reading. Learn about the vocalization of syntax, the debate between explicit instruction and immersion in programming education, and discover the Hedy programming language. Gain insights into why spreadsheets are considered a form of programming and get information on the release plans for "The Programmer's Brain." This 29-minute chat from the Strange Loop Conference offers valuable perspectives on programming education and cognitive aspects of coding.


Overview of "The Programmer's Brain"
How does memory affect how we read code?
How do mental models affect understanding?
How do you intentionally practice reading code?
Vocalization of syntax
Explicit instruction vs immersion
Hedy programming language
Spreadsheets are programming
Release plans for "The Programmer's Brain"

Taught by

Strange Loop Conference


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