Stars: The Ultimate Laboratory for Modern Physics - KITP Public Lecture
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of stellar physics in this KITP Public Lecture by Professor Pascale Garaud from UC Santa Cruz. Discover how stars have become a crucial laboratory for modern physics over the past century, providing invaluable insights into nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, particle physics, and turbulence. Learn about the groundbreaking discoveries made through stellar research and gain an understanding of future prospects in the field, including advancements in stellar seismology and high-performance computing. Delve into the interdisciplinary nature of astrophysics as Professor Garaud, an expert in fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, shares her knowledge and research experiences.
Stars: The Ultimate Laboratory for Modern Physics â–¸ Pascale Garaud (UCSC) | KITP Public Lecture
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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