Star Formation in Orion
Offered By: Hubble Space Telescope via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating process of star formation in the Orion constellation through this comprehensive lecture by Will Fischer from the Space Telescope Science Institute. Delve into the origins of our Solar System and Sun as you learn about young stellar objects observed in Orion. Discover how observations from space telescopes like Hubble, Spitzer, and Herschel have contributed to our understanding of star birth. Examine various aspects of stellar formation, including magnetospheric accretion, outflows, and the role of different wavelengths in astronomical observations. Gain insights into the work of astronomers like John Russell Hind and the significance of celestial objects such as the Orion Nebula, NGC 1999, and Hopps 383. Explore cutting-edge research tools like the WISE telescope and the SOFIA Observatory, and understand their impact on our knowledge of star formation processes.
Galaxy Tug of War
Helium in Planet Atmospheres
Dr Will Fisher
John Russell Hind
Victor Barsoomian George Herbert
Orion Nebula
Milky Way
Radio Astronomy
Visible Light
NGC 1999
magnetospheric accretion
Hopps 383
Press Release
Sofia Observatory
Taught by
Hubble Space Telescope
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