The Surprising Impact of Privacy Policies and Crowdsourcing

Offered By: Stanford University via YouTube


Privacy Policies Courses Crowdsourcing Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intersection of privacy policies, crowdsourcing, and sustainable energy in this Stanford seminar featuring James Miller, a Senior Attorney Advisor at the Federal Communications Commission. Delve into the surprising impacts of these factors on IoT and sustainable energy policies in Japan and the US. Gain insights from Miller's extensive experience in regulatory and policy matters related to spectrum and Internet technology, as well as his expertise in U.S.-Japan comparative law. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in implementing sustainable energy policies, and understand how privacy concerns and crowdsourcing initiatives can shape the future of technology management and energy sustainability across different cultural contexts.


Stanford Seminar: The Surprising Impact of Privacy Policies and Crowdsourcing

Taught by

Stanford Online


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