Stanford Seminar - How Not to Generate Random Numbers

Offered By: Stanford University via YouTube


Computer Science Courses Software Development Courses Cybersecurity Courses Cryptography Courses Digital Certificates Courses RSA Encryption Courses

Course Description


Explore the critical topic of random number generation in cryptography through this Stanford University seminar. Delve into the pitfalls of common random number generation techniques and their implications for widely-used cryptographic systems. Examine case studies including textbook RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Taiwan's Citizen Digital Certificate Smartcards. Investigate the likelihood of key collisions and the consequences of repeated keys in real-world scenarios. Analyze vulnerabilities in SSL and SSH implementations, and scrutinize random number generation in software, with a focus on Linux random number generators. Learn about devices producing weak DSA signatures and gain insights into best practices for secure random number generation in cryptographic applications.


Textbook RSA.
Textbook Diffie-Hellman.
Taiwan Citizen Digital Certificate Smartcards.
Should we expect to find key collisions in the wild?.
What happens if we look for repeated keys?.
Classifying repeated keys.
Attributing SSL and SSH vulnerabilities to implementations.
Random number generation in software.
Linux random number generators.
Devices generating weak DSA signatures.

Taught by

Stanford Online


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