SQL - Database Programming

Offered By: Mike Dane via YouTube


SQL Courses MySQL Courses Relational Databases Courses Schema Design Courses Database Management Courses Nested Queries Courses

Course Description


Learn database management basics and SQL using MySQL RDBMS in this comprehensive tutorial series designed for beginners. Explore schema design, basic C.R.U.D operations, aggregation, nested queries, joins, keys, and more. Begin with an introduction to databases and progress through topics such as table creation, data insertion, constraints, updates, deletions, and various query types. Dive into advanced concepts including functions, wildcards, unions, joins, nested queries, triggers, and ER diagrams. Practice with a company database example and gain hands-on experience in MySQL installation for both Windows and Mac systems.


Introduction | SQL | Tutorial 1.
What is a Database? | Let's Learn.
Tables & Keys | SQL | Tutorial 2.
SQL Basics | SQL | Tutorial 3.
MySQL Windows Installation | SQL | Tutorial 4.
MySQL Mac Installation | SQL | Tutorial 5.
Creating Tables - SQL - Tutorial 6.
Inserting Data - SQL - Tutorial 7.
Constraints - SQL - Tutorial 8.
Update & Delete | SQL | Tutorial 9.
Basic Queries | SQL | Tutorial 10.
Company Database Intro | SQL | Tutorial 11.
Creating Company Database | SQL | Tutorial 12.
More Basic Queries | SQL | Tutorial 13.
Functions | SQL | Tutorial 14.
WIldcards | SQL | Tutorial 15.
Union | SQL | Tutorial 16.
Joins | SQL | Tutorial 17.
Nested Queries | SQL | Tutorial 18.
On Delete | SQL | Tutorial 19.
Triggers | SQL | Tutorial 20.
ER Diagrams Intro | SQL | Tutorial 21.
Designing an ER Diagram | SQL | Tutorial 22.
Converting ER Diagrams to Schemas | SQL | Tutorial 23.

Taught by

Mike Dane

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