Spring Boot Tutorial Using JDBC, Connection Pool, Flyway, JDBC Template, SQL, and Docker

Offered By: Amigoscode via YouTube


Spring Framework Courses SQL Courses Docker Courses JDBC Courses Database Migration Courses Flyway Courses

Course Description


Learn how to work with databases using JDBC in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore creating datasources, implementing database connection pools, using Flyway for database migrations, and leveraging JDBC Template to execute SQL queries against relational databases. Dive into practical examples using Spring Boot, Docker, and PostgreSQL while covering topics such as Hikari Datasource, RowMappers, and various JDBC operations including insert, select, and delete. Gain hands-on experience through guided exercises and discover best practices for efficient database management in Spring Boot applications.


- Intro.
- Requirements.
- Architecture Overview.
- Github Repo.
- Backend Overview.
- Docker and PostgreSQL.
- Hikari Datasource.
- Database Migration with Flyway.
- Running app.
- JDBC Template.
- Other JDBC Wrappers.
- JDBC Template and Insert.
- JDBC Template Select and RowMappers.
- JDBC Template Select by id and RowMappers.
- JDBC Template Delete.
- Exercise.
- Outro.

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