Modern, Typed Python for Multimodal ML - From Training to Deployment

Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube


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Explore the benefits of Python type hints and their growing importance in Machine Learning during this 57-minute sponsor presentation by Johannes Messner at PyCon US. Dive into the world of modern, typed Python for multimodal ML, covering everything from training to deployment. Learn why typing is becoming central to modern Python and how tools like mypy, beartype, FastAPI, SQLModel, Pydantic, and DocArray are revolutionizing the Python ecosystem. Discover the advantages of Python type hints, their particular usefulness in the ML domain, and practical applications of libraries like DocArray. Gain insights into the history of typing in Python, the current tool landscape, and how type hints can improve code quality and leverage the evolving Python ecosystem for both model training and deployment. Perfect for ML practitioners looking to enhance their code quality and anyone interested in exploring the power of Python type hints in their codebase.


Sponsor Presentation - Johannes Messner: Modern, typed Python for (multimodal) ML

Taught by

PyCon US

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