Something from Nothing: Pair Production and Pair Annihilation

Offered By: For the Love of Physics via YouTube


Particle Physics Courses Electron Courses Quantum Physics Courses Antimatter Courses Photons Courses

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Explore the fascinating phenomena of pair production and pair annihilation in this 27-minute lecture video. Delve into the detailed discussion of these processes, which perfectly exemplify the conversion between mass and energy in quantum physics. Gain insights into how high-energy photons can create particle-antiparticle pairs and how particles and antiparticles annihilate to release energy. Understand the conservation laws governing these processes and their significance in deepening our knowledge of the quantum realm. Access accompanying lecture notes and join a dedicated physics community for further learning and discussion on this captivating topic.


Something from Nothing: Pair Production & Pair Annihilation

Taught by

For the Love of Physics

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