Software Engineering at Google

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Programming Courses Software Engineering Courses Team Building Courses

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Explore the insights of Google's software engineering practices in this GOTO Book Club interview with Titus Winters and Matt Kulukundis. Delve into topics such as build systems, dependencies, team building, and cultural improvements at Google. Learn about personal growth as a software developer, missing chapters in software engineering literature, and decisions that are difficult to reverse. Gain valuable perspectives on sustainable code writing, establishing safe development environments, and the distinctions between programming and software engineering. Discover book recommendations and benefit from the extensive experience of these Google engineers as they discuss lessons learned and ongoing improvements in the field.


Build systems
Build systems dependencies
What is Google trying to improve in engineering?
Cheat sheet for building great teams
Where can Google improve on from a culture’s perspective?
How to grow as a software developer?
What chapter is missing entirely in the book?
What decisions are hard to undo?
3 Book recommendations

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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