Software Architecture - The Hard Parts

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Data Management Courses Software Architecture Courses Monolithic Applications Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complexities of software architecture in this insightful GOTO Book Club interview with Neal Ford and Mark Richards, co-authors of "Software Architecture: The Hard Parts." Delve into the challenges of distributed architectures, service granularity, and breaking apart monolithic applications. Learn strategies for analyzing trade-offs, managing workflows and transactions, and optimizing operational characteristics like scalability and performance. Gain valuable insights on documenting architectural decisions, handling data in distributed systems, and managing contracts between services. Through the lens of a fictional tech team, the Sysops Squad, discover practical approaches to navigating the difficult decisions inherent in modern software architecture.


Rubber band
Writing the book
Feedback loop
Trade-off analysis & distributed architectures
Turning abstract concepts into concrete examples
Transactional sagas

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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