Software Architecture for Developers

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Software Architecture Courses Technical Leadership Courses

Course Description


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Explore the essential aspects of software architecture for developers in this 37-minute conference talk from YOW! 2017. Gain insights from Simon Brown, author of "Software Architecture for Developers" and creator of the C4 model, as he debunks common myths and presents five key things every developer should know about software architecture. Learn how to balance technical leadership with agility, understand the bigger picture beyond coding, and adopt a pragmatic approach to architecture in modern software projects. Discover strategies for managing complexity, implementing bounded contexts, and choosing between microservices, monoliths, and modular monoliths. Enhance your skills in software engineering, DevOps, and technical leadership while exploring concepts like the C4 model, UML, DRY principle, and Structurizr.


Software Architecture for Developers • Simon Brown • YOW! 2017

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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