Snapshots for an Object Store: Challenges and Implementation in Apache Ozone

Offered By: The ASF via YouTube


Compliance Courses Data Backup Courses Data Replication Courses Apache Ozone Courses

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Explore the challenges and design considerations for implementing a true snapshot feature in object storage systems in this 41-minute talk from The ASF. Discover how snapshots differ from object versioning and why they are crucial for enabling use cases such as backup, restore, replication, archival, and compliance. Learn about the development of the snapshot feature for Apache Ozone object store, which allows for point-in-time, consistent images of object groups while maintaining referential integrity. Gain insights from seasoned technical leader Prashant Pogde, who shares his expertise in distributed systems and discusses the importance of snapshot manageability for large-scale object storage implementations.


Snapshots for an Object Store

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