Simplifying Python Web App Operations: Automating Kubernetes Ops with Open Source

Offered By: Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Web Development Courses DevOps Courses Python Courses Containerization Courses Open Source Courses Juju Courses

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Explore a new tooling suite called "paas-app-charmer" designed to streamline Python web app operations in this 40-minute conference talk. Learn how this innovative solution allows developers to focus on creating applications while automating deployment and operations challenges. Discover the integration of "paas-app-charmer" with open-source tools like Juju, Charmcraft, and Rockcraft. Gain insights from Amanda Katz, a Software Engineer at Canonical, as she presents this powerful approach to simplifying Kubernetes operations for Python web applications.


Simplifying Python Web App Operations: Automating K8s Ops with Open Source - Inglés

Taught by

Ubuntu OnAir

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