Minicourse on Gravitational Wave Probes of the Early Universe - Class 3

Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube


Gravitational Waves Courses Astrophysics Courses Cosmology Courses General Relativity Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Primordial Black Holes Courses

Course Description


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Explore the third class of a minicourse on Gravitational Wave Probes of the Early Universe, presented by Simona Procacci from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Delve into advanced concepts and theories related to gravitational waves and their role in studying the early universe. Gain insights from this two-hour lecture, part of a comprehensive series organized by ICTP-SAIFR from September 3-10, 2024. Enhance your understanding of cutting-edge research in astrophysics and cosmology, and discover how gravitational waves serve as powerful tools for probing the earliest moments of our universe's history.


Simona Procacci: Minicourse on Gravitational Wave Probes of the Early Universe - Class 3

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