Yielding from a Rheological Perspective

Offered By: Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) via YouTube


Rheology Courses Viscoelasticity Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complex phenomenon of yielding from a rheological perspective in this comprehensive lecture by Simon Rogers. Delve into key milestones, experimental observations, and various yield stress measurements, including static and dynamic yield stress. Examine continuous yielding models, masking oscillatory amplitude sweeps, storage and loss moduli, and common measures. Investigate linear viscoelastic models, unrecoverable strain, and recovery rheology. Analyze the concept of the right Deborah number and review evidence from published work. Gain valuable insights into non-equilibrium processes in physics and biology through this in-depth presentation from the Graduate School at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics.


What is yielding
Key milestones
Experimental Observations
Yield Stress Measurement
Static vs Dynamic Yield Stress
We often violate alids quasy
Continuous yielding model
illary amplitude sweeps
storage and loss modula
common measures
linear visco elastic models
unrecoverable strain
Bergs science paper
Recovery rology
The right Debra number
Evidence from published work

Taught by

Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)

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