DHMAE: A Disentangled Hypergraph Masked Autoencoder for Group Recommendation - Lecture 4

Offered By: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube


Recommender Systems Courses Machine Learning Courses Graph Theory Courses Information Retrieval Courses Hypergraphs Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 10-minute conference talk from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that delves into the innovative DHMAE: A Disentangled Hypergraph Masked Autoencoder for Group Recommendation. Learn about this cutting-edge approach presented by authors Yingqi Zhao, Haiwei Zhang, Qijie Bai, Changli Nie, and Xiaojie Yuan as part of the Graphs and RecSys (M3.4) session. Gain insights into how this novel technique combines hypergraph structures with masked autoencoders to enhance group recommendation systems, potentially revolutionizing the field of collaborative filtering and personalized content delivery for groups.


SIGIR 2024 M3.4 [fp] DHMAE: A Disentangled Hypergraph Masked Autoencoder for Group Recommendation

Taught by

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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