Local Minima, Stable Sets, and Sums of Squares
Offered By: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via YouTube
Course Description
A bird's eye view of optimization
Step size too small
Forcing a smart initialization?
Finding a local minimum
Finding a local minimizer of a quadratic program
Stable sets in graphs
Proof outline
What about the unconstrained case?
Finding local minima of cubics Let's start with a simpler question. Can we efficiently find a critical point
Unexpected convexity
Local minima of cubics and SDP
All roads lead to sums of squares
A more complete story
Remainder of the talk
Nonnegativity vs. sum of squares
Nonnegative polynomials that are not SOS?
A new notion: SOS-perfect graphs
An immediate implication
What happens on random graphs?
A challenge for the SOS/SDP community is
Feel the need for more SOS?
Taught by
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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