Shock Physics on the Sandia Z Pulsed Power Machine

Offered By: APS Physics via YouTube


Density Functional Theory Courses Experimental Data Analysis Courses Condensed Matter Theory Courses

Course Description


Explore advanced dynamic compression studies conducted using the Sandia Z Machine in this comprehensive lecture. Delve into the coupling of pulsed power experiments with condensed matter theory to investigate extreme states of matter. Learn about high-precision Hugoniot experiments on deuterium, the evaluation of exchange-correlation functionals at the molecular-to-atomic transition, and the direct observation of a liquid-liquid insulator-to-metal transition in dense liquid deuterium. Examine multiple-shock electrical conductivity measurements probing intermediate temperature and density regimes. Gain insights into experimental configurations, data analysis techniques, and the integration of theory, computation, and experiment in shock physics research.


APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Virtual Seminar Series
Integration of theory, computation, and experiment
Advanced experimental platforms
Typical co-axial load on Z
Typical stripline load on Z
Pulsed power
Density Functional Theory
What do the Kohn-Sham equations look like?
First-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD)
Details of FPMD simulations
FPMD simulations of the hydrogen/deuterium Hugoniot
Let's not just pick on the theorists...
High-precision quartz standard
High-precision Hugoniot experiments for deuterium
Dissociation along the Hugoniot - Pair distribution function
Elevated electron temperature simulations
Insulator-metal transition at high-p and low-T
Experimental configuration
Representative data
Comparison of reflectivity from aluminum and deuterium
Wavelength dependence of reflectivity indicative of a metal
Liquid-liquid, insulator-to-metal transition (LL-IMT)
Insulator-metal transition at intermediate p and T
Reanalysis of inferred temperature states
Reanalysis of semiconducting model
Determination of the peak state of the system
Predicted conductivity at the peak states
Predicted energy gap at the peak states
Inconsistency of the PBE xc functional

Taught by

APS Physics

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