Barycenters and a Law of Large Numbers in Gromov Hyperbolic Spaces

Offered By: Applied Algebraic Topology Network via YouTube


Convex Optimization Courses Law of Large Numbers Courses Wasserstein Distances Courses

Course Description


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Explore barycenters of probability measures on Gromov hyperbolic spaces in this 51-minute lecture. Delve into the development of convex optimization in metric spaces, examining the contraction property in terms of the Wasserstein distance and a form of law of large numbers for stochastic approximation of barycenters. Discover how these findings generalize corresponding results on CAT(0)-spaces, with additional terms dependent on the hyperbolicity constant.


Shin-ichi Ohta (6/23/23): Barycenters and a law of large numbers in Gromov hyperbolic spaces

Taught by

Applied Algebraic Topology Network

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