Provable Security and Attack Models in Cryptography - Session 8
Offered By: TheIACR via YouTube
Course Description
Explore provable security and attack models in this comprehensive lecture from TheIACR. Delve into key concepts such as sum of events, mansu, key alternating ciphers, permutation-based PRFs, encrypted terminals, and encryption. Examine bad events, good transcript reliability, and detectability games. Investigate research directions, state resets, and state reset games. Learn about asymmetric ASAs and short message encryption. Gain valuable insights through audience questions and engage with the speaker's two main goals for the presentation.
Sum of eventmansu
Key alternating ciphers
Permutationbased PRF
Permutationbased encrypted terminal
Permutationbased encryption
Bad event
Good transcript reliability
Audience question
Two goals
Detectability game
Research directions
State resets
State reset game
Asymmetric ASAs
Short message encryption
Audience questions
Taught by
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