Post-Quantum Cryptography Advancements - Session 5
Offered By: TheIACR via YouTube
Course Description
Explore cutting-edge developments in post-quantum cryptography through this comprehensive conference session. Delve into six presentations covering diverse topics in lattice-based and isogeny-based cryptography. Learn about Gladius, an efficient hybrid public key encryption system using LWR with distributed decryption. Discover advances in lattice-based group encryption with full dynamicity and message filtering. Examine a new variant of Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar using quotient rings. Investigate optimizations for shorter lattice-based group signatures. Study Séta, a supersingular encryption method derived from torsion attacks. Finally, explore SHealS and HealS, novel isogeny-based public key encryption schemes. Gain insights from expert speakers as they present the latest research and innovations in post-quantum cryptographic techniques designed to withstand future quantum computing threats.
session-5: Post-Quantum Cryptography
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