Coarse-graining, Renormalization, and Quantitative Homogenization in PDE Analysis

Offered By: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via YouTube


Partial Differential Equations Courses Applied Mathematics Courses Coarse-Graining Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Elliptic Equations Courses

Course Description


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Explore the theory of quantitative homogenization for elliptic and parabolic equations in this one-hour seminar presented by Scott Armstrong from Courant Institute/NYU. Delve into the concept of "coarse-graining the coefficient field" and its applications to degenerate equations and situations requiring renormalization. Gain insights into recent developments in mathematical physics models and learn about important open problems in the field. Presented as part of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' online research dissemination initiative, this webinar aims to recognize achievements in the area and promote the standing of SIMA and APDE.


Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE): Scott Armstrong

Taught by

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

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