Sediment Transport and Morphological Modelling - 2D and 3D

Offered By: Australian Water School via YouTube


Hydrology Courses Sediment Transport Courses

Course Description


Explore the complexities of sediment transport and morphological modeling in 2D and 3D hydrodynamic models through this 52-minute webinar. Gain insights into sediment transport modeling techniques, benchmarking, and real-world applications including river mouth scour and morphology, dredge plume modeling, river bed armoring, sorting, and siltation. Examine the varied flow and wave conditions in rivers, estuaries, and coasts that influence sediment characteristics and transport rates. Discover the additional data requirements and techniques needed for model setup, simulation, and verification in different environments. Learn about TUFLOW's sediment transport module, which allows for multiple fraction modeling, morphological evolution, and coupled hydrodynamic-morphological simulations in various aquatic environments. Understand the module's capabilities in handling sediment transport due to currents and wave-driven processes, multiple sediment fractions, and complex sediment-water interactions.


​​ - Introductions + Polls.
​​ - Sediment Transport Overview .
​ - Choosing Hydraulic Model.
​ - Morphological Modelling.
​ - Case Study- Gravel Bed Sediment Amouring.
​ - Case Study- Breakwater Design at a River Mouth.
- Conclusions .
​ - Q&A.
​​ - Wrap-up.

Taught by

Australian Water School

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