Securing APIs and Microservices with OAuth and OpenID Connect

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Microservices Courses OAuth Courses OpenID Connect (OIDC) Courses

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Explore how OAuth and OpenID Connect can be leveraged to create a unified distributed framework for securing microservices in this conference talk from GOTO Copenhagen 2018. Learn how CEO of Curity, Travis Spencer, demonstrates the application of these technologies to deliver on microservices' promise of agility and scalability. Discover strategies for implementing security solutions that are both manageable and cost-effective in microservice architectures. Gain insights into overcoming common security challenges in API deployments and understand how to integrate security seamlessly into your microservices blueprint. Perfect for developers, architects, and security professionals looking to enhance their knowledge of API-driven identity management in distributed systems.


Securing APIs and Microservices with OAuth and OpenID Connect • Travis Spencer • GOTO 2018

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GOTO Conferences

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