Secure Bluetooth Pairing Made Easy With ST25 NFC - Webinar Replay
Offered By: STMicroelectronics via YouTube
Course Description
NFC technology overview.
NFC in depth.
NFC in the wireless spectrum.
iOS 13 NFC capabilities.
Bluetooth evolution.
How does NFC help with Bluetooth pairing?.
How does NFC pairing with Bluetooth work?.
Benefits to end user.
How is pairing information stored.
NFC/Bluetooth pairing record types.
How data is stored as a NDEF record.
Bluetooth pairing: Dynamic I2C tags.
Bluetooth pairing: NFC tags with field detect.
Bluetooth pairing: Standalone NFC tags.
BR/EDR and LE feature comparison.
Security threats: Passive eavesdropping.
Security threats: Man in the middle.
Security threats: Identity tracking.
Bluetooth pairing process overview.
Bluetooth pairing methods and mechanisms.
NFC handover terms.
How two Bluetooth devices know how to pair.
When does this happen?.
NFC handover types: Static handover.
NFC handover types: Negotiated handover.
NFC handover types: Mediated handover.
Active and passive NFC communication.
NFC polling loop.
Secure pairing.
LE legacy pairing overview.
OOB LE legacy pairing process.
LE secure overview.
OOB LE secure pairing process.
Handover request record.
Handover select record.
ST NFC/RFID frontend portfolio.
ST25R series benefits.
NFC/RFID tag product family.
NFC/RFID dynamic tag family.
ST25DV-I2C evaluation boards.
Bluetooth modules.
CR95HF/ST25R95 evaluation boards.
ST25R3911B evaluation boards.
Android Tap app.
iOS Tap app.
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