SDEs Are All You Need for Latent Variable Models

Offered By: Probabilistic AI School via YouTube


Stochastic Differential Equation Courses Machine Learning Courses Neural Networks Courses Bayesian Inference Courses Statistical Physics Courses Generative Models Courses Latent Variable Models Courses Diffusion Models Courses

Course Description


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Explore the power of Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) in latent variable models through this comprehensive lecture from the Nordic Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI) 2024. Delve into Ole Winther's expert insights on how SDEs serve as a fundamental tool for understanding and implementing probabilistic models. Gain valuable knowledge on the application of SDEs in various AI and machine learning contexts, with a focus on their role in latent variable modeling. Access accompanying materials on GitHub to enhance your learning experience and deepen your understanding of this crucial topic in probabilistic AI.


SDEs are all you need for latent variable models by Ole Winther

Taught by

Probabilistic AI School

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