Scouring the Seafloor for Hydrothermal Vents and Biosignatures on Mars and Europa
Offered By: NASA Astrobiology via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of hydrothermal vents and biosignatures on Mars and Europa in this engaging one-hour talk featuring Dr. Bonnie Teece, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Delve into the challenges of detecting organic biosignatures and identifying signs of life in altered rocks as Dr. Teece shares her expertise in geology and astrobiology. Learn about her fieldwork experiences and passion for improving equity in geoscience through virtual field trips. Discover the intricacies of hydrothermal environments, ancient rock analysis, and the search for life beyond Earth. Gain insights into the Axial Seamount cruise, lab simulations of hydrothermal vents, and the Europa Clipper mission. Join host Dr. Graham Lau in this NASA Astrobiology Program's "Ask An Astrobiologist" episode for an illuminating discussion on cutting-edge astrobiology research and its implications for understanding life in the universe.
Bonnies story
Ancient rocks as unreliable narrators
The game of telephone
Hydrothermal Vents
Cruise to Axial Seamount
Video Games
Where are they now
The Little Prince
Advice from Bonnie Teece
Discovery of alien life
Future of astrobiology
An unbelievable science fact
The importance of social interactions
Building hydrothermal vents in the lab
Micro environments of varying pH
Equitable access to astrobiology
Intermixing of ocean fluids
Adaptations to hydrothermal systems
Favorite place to find life
Europa Clipper
Taught by
NASA Astrobiology
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