Writing a Database in Scala.js

Offered By: Scala Days Conferences via YouTube


Scala Days Courses Database Design Courses Functional Programming Courses Enumeration Courses Scala.js Courses

Course Description


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Explore the process of creating a browser-based database application using Scala.js in this conference talk from Scala Days 2023 Seattle. Dive into the fundamentals of database implementation, learning how to leverage Scala's unique features for efficient and purposeful code design. Discover how to model various programming concepts, including compilers, parsers, and interpreters, while building a spreadsheet-like application for manipulating tabular data. Gain insights into utilizing Scala 3's new features, such as enumerations and union types, as well as function composition, type classes, and selective laziness. Examine practical lessons learned during the development of core database features, focusing on efficiency, user-friendliness, and future extensibility. Witness live demonstrations of the application running in a browser, showcasing the power of Scala.js, and learn about the necessary constraints and limitations of this platform. Benefit from the speaker's experience in implementing high-level query languages, defining column types, and constructing transformation functions for everyday programming tasks.


Ryan Peters - Writing a Database in Scala.js | Scala Days 2023 Seattle

Taught by

Scala Days Conferences

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