Rwandan National Neonatal Protocol - Infectious Diseases

Offered By: OPENPediatrics via YouTube


Pediatrics Courses Infectious Diseases Courses Meningitis Courses Neonatal Care Courses Urinary Tract Infections Courses Sepsis Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive video lecture on infectious diseases in neonates as part of the Rwandan National Neonatal Protocol. Learn from Dr. Stephenson Musiime about risk factors, diagnosis, and management of serious bacterial infections like sepsis, urinary tract infections, and meningitis in newborns. Gain the ability to define serious bacterial infections, recognize maternal and infant risk factors, and understand diagnostic and treatment approaches. Dive into detailed chapters covering an overview, understanding infectious diseases, case studies, and a summary. Access this peer-reviewed, open-access content from OPENPediatrics, an interactive digital learning platform sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, designed to promote global knowledge exchange among healthcare providers caring for critically ill children in various resource settings.


"Rwandan National Neonatal Protocol: Infectious Diseases" by Stephenson Musiime for OPENPediatrics

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