Using Raft in Rust to Build Distributed Systems - RustConf 2018

Offered By: Rust via YouTube


Distributed Systems Courses Distributed Databases Courses Consensus Protocol Courses Key-Value Databases Courses Raft Consensus Algorithm Courses TiKV Courses

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Explore the implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm in Rust through this RustConf 2018 talk by Siddon Tang. Gain insights into how Raft is utilized to support TiKV, an open-source distributed transactional Key-Value store. Begin with a concise overview of the Raft algorithm, delve into the specifics of its Rust implementation, and conclude by learning how to leverage Raft in Rust to construct a basic distributed Key-Value database. Discover the power of Rust in building highly available and consistent distributed services in this informative 21-minute presentation.


RustConf 2018 - Using Raft in Rust by Siddon Tang

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