Rosie Pattern Language - Improving on 50-Year Old Regular Expression Technology
Offered By: Strange Loop Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a conference talk that challenges traditional regular expression technology and introduces the Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) as a more scalable and user-friendly alternative. Learn how RPL addresses the limitations of regular expressions, including exponential backtracking, poor composability, and readability issues. Discover the advantages of RPL's linear time processing for big data, composable pattern packages, and readable syntax with named patterns. Compare the simplicity of RPL commands to complex regex expressions for tasks like extracting network addresses. Delve into the foundations of RPL in Parsing Expression Grammars and their enhanced capabilities over regex. Gain insights into RPL's features, performance benefits, and potential applications in data mining, DevOps, and source code parsing. Understand the debugging tools, executable tests, and non-CLI use cases of RPL. Examine the speaker's roadmap for RPL's future development and its impact on pattern matching technology.
DevOps Tools
The Problem
Regular Expressions
Troubleshooting Regular Expressions
Improving Rosie
Regular Expression Performance
Log Stash
Named Patterns
Parsing Expressions
Rosie Library
Debugging Regular Expressions
executable tests
failure details
non CLI use cases
parsing source code
how Rosie is used
Rosie performance
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Taught by
Strange Loop Conference
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